2023 - Present | University of Vienna, MSc Global Change and Sustainability, Geoecology Specialization
2016-2023 | Free University of Berlin, Berlin - Monobachelor Political Sciences
2019-2020 | Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin - University Exchange
2015 - 2016 | Universidad Castilla la Mancha, Toledo (Spain) - Programa Español en Toledo, Spanish Class
2013-2015 | Hereford High School, Monkton, MD (USA) - High School (GPA unweighted 3.93)
2011-2013 | Academy of Arts, Careers, Technology, Reno, NV (USA) - High School
2001-2011 | Mountain View Montessori, Reno, NV (USA)
2016-2023 | Free University of Berlin, Berlin - Monobachelor Political Sciences
2019-2020 | Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin - University Exchange
2015 - 2016 | Universidad Castilla la Mancha, Toledo (Spain) - Programa Español en Toledo, Spanish Class
2013-2015 | Hereford High School, Monkton, MD (USA) - High School (GPA unweighted 3.93)
2011-2013 | Academy of Arts, Careers, Technology, Reno, NV (USA) - High School
2001-2011 | Mountain View Montessori, Reno, NV (USA)
Podcast Producer, Podimo (Berlin, Germany)
April 2022 - August 2023
Management and coordination of various Podimo podcasts from conceptualization to publishing. Responsibilities included pitch reviews, content coordination, script editing proofreading, podcast audio and metadata processing and editing, and talent and freelancer coordination. In 2023, I also took over in-app audiobook curation and publisher relations, with data analytics guiding decision-making.
April 2022 - August 2023
Management and coordination of various Podimo podcasts from conceptualization to publishing. Responsibilities included pitch reviews, content coordination, script editing proofreading, podcast audio and metadata processing and editing, and talent and freelancer coordination. In 2023, I also took over in-app audiobook curation and publisher relations, with data analytics guiding decision-making.
Content Intern, Podimo (Berlin, Germany)
February - March 2022
February - March 2022
Content Operations Working Student, Audible (Berlin, Germany)
August 2020 - January 2022
Podcast provider relations, audio and image processing, table of contents creation, project work, and workflow optimization
August 2020 - January 2022
Podcast provider relations, audio and image processing, table of contents creation, project work, and workflow optimization
Mentor, Free University of Berlin (Berlin, Germany)
September 2018 - April 2019
Mentoring of first semester students at the Otto-Suhr-Institute
September 2018 - April 2019
Mentoring of first semester students at the Otto-Suhr-Institute
Translator, Hiddensee Verlag (Berlin, Germany)
August - November 2018
Translation of the travel guide "Hamburg neu entdecken: HafenCity & Speicherstadt" from German to English
August - November 2018
Translation of the travel guide "Hamburg neu entdecken: HafenCity & Speicherstadt" from German to English
Production Intern, WYPR (Baltimore, Maryland)
August - September 2018
Production assistance, cutting and mixing audio for "Future City" and "Life in the Balance" (Adobe Audition)
August - September 2018
Production assistance, cutting and mixing audio for "Future City" and "Life in the Balance" (Adobe Audition)
Intern, Bayer AG (Berlin, Germany)
August-September 2017
Drafting of a context analysis in the framework of the German Institute of Norms for Worker and Environmental Protection and Energy Management. Responsibilities: Research, interviews, document organization (Word, Excel, Powerpoint).
August-September 2017
Drafting of a context analysis in the framework of the German Institute of Norms for Worker and Environmental Protection and Energy Management. Responsibilities: Research, interviews, document organization (Word, Excel, Powerpoint).
Au Pair (Toledo, Spain)
August 2015-June 2016
Teaching English and taking care of 11-year-old twins.
August 2015-June 2016
Teaching English and taking care of 11-year-old twins.
Caritas Canisibus (Vienna, Austria)
January 2024 - Present
Biweekly support in the soup kitchen.
January 2024 - Present
Biweekly support in the soup kitchen.
Rotaract Berlin International (Berlin, Germany)
Active member from 2017-2023
Board Positions: President 2020-21, Vice President 2018-19, Community Service Director 2017-19
In this service and leadership youth group, I started by organizing biweekly trips to a refugee home where we play with the kids and help the adults practice their German. As a club, our main goal is to build bridges across cultures to create mutual respect and understanding. As Vice President, I supported the board in many aspects, from answering emails to holding meetings. Most recently I have had the opportunity to create new digital formats due to COVID-19, reshape our social projects, and help maintain activity within the club despite virtual formats as President.
Active member from 2017-2023
Board Positions: President 2020-21, Vice President 2018-19, Community Service Director 2017-19
In this service and leadership youth group, I started by organizing biweekly trips to a refugee home where we play with the kids and help the adults practice their German. As a club, our main goal is to build bridges across cultures to create mutual respect and understanding. As Vice President, I supported the board in many aspects, from answering emails to holding meetings. Most recently I have had the opportunity to create new digital formats due to COVID-19, reshape our social projects, and help maintain activity within the club despite virtual formats as President.
Wortredaktion couchFM (Berlin, Germany)
October 2018 - July 2019
couchFM is Berlin's university campus radio. As a part of the team, I co-moderated live shows and produce short reports.
October 2018 - July 2019
couchFM is Berlin's university campus radio. As a part of the team, I co-moderated live shows and produce short reports.